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2025 HK IMMI&Property Expo

发布时间: 2025-01-12   动态次数: 845521 编辑: zixun1

COTV 全球直播

[Invitation] The 6th International Immigration and Property Expo 第六屆移民及置業博覽(香港)

Dear Our Valued Partners,

Greetings from IMMI EXPO!

Thank you for your support on our past expos. With all of you, IMMI Expo has now become the largest immigration and property related expo in Hong Kong – with a total of over 150,000 visitors, extensive media coverage and >90% satisfaction rate from all our partners.


Now, we are excited to announce that the 6th IMMI Expo is coming and we would like to invite you to join us and create a more successful event together! Details are as follows,

·Event: 6th International Immigration and Property Expo

·Date: March 22-23, 2025 (Sat & Sun)

·Venue: HKCEC (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre), Hall 5G

·Est. Traffic: More than 40,000 visitors

·Exhibitors: as of now, we have already received indicative booking of over 66% of the booth space from our recurring blue-chip customers from various related industries such as immigration consultancy, developers / brokerages, education consultancy, alternative investments etc.


Why Participate?

·ALL-IN-ONE platform – with our diversified customer base and branding established over the past 5 events, the IMMI Expo is now the only large-scale platform in Hong Kong for you to join and meet with all notable industry participants and potential customers brought over from all other blue-chip exhibitors

·Right traffic, right location – being the only mega show held in HKCEC with similar topic, the IMMI Expo increasingly attracts the most valuable traffic for your company (>45k visitors in 5th IMMI, +16% from 4th IMMI), including

·Goal-oriented individuals in Hong Kong – as overseas assets allocation is still a hot topic in Hong Kong, with the established brand and convenient location, IMMI is a must-go one-stop shop for people intending to invest overseas to diversify their single-country over-allocation risk,

·Cash-rich individuals in Hong Kong – Hong Kong ranked as #1 city in China in terms of number of population with over US$1MM liquid investable wealth – there is strong appetite in Hong Kong for assets globally especially when the rate-cutting cycle has just started,

·Visitors from Mainland China – the post-COVID return of mainland visitors to Hong Kong has just started to realize recently with 2024 Golden week mainland visitors increasing by 27% vs. previous year. We expect 6th IMMI Expo will attract more high net worth investors from Mainland China vs. previous years.

·Expand your reach via a different channel – while online marketing / company specific events might reach your audience in a more targeted manner (usually feeding to those directly searching your geographies), IMMI provides you a face-to-face opportunity to generate leads brought over by other exhibitors (e.g. other geographies, sectors) and educate audiences about your brand / focused geographies outside of your existing channels. Speaking seminars are also available at your option to go one step further to expand your reach.  Some of our past blue-chip exhibitors below that can potentially flow over leads to you


·Comprehensive promotion options – in addition to the actual 2-day events, IMMI also provides additional resources and services to promote your content and brand along with our show marketing campaign including offline ads, online engagements (via Facebook, Instagram, XiaoHongShu 小紅書) etc.

·Government funding - IMMI Expo is qualified under the funding scope of SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) hence you can take advantage of this opportunity to receive funding support. You may save 50% of the total approved expenditure incurred by your enterprise or HKD 100K (whichever is less).

Come and Join Us Now! To express our gratitude to your continuous support, we are offering special early bird packages to our past exhibitors until 30 November 2024 (kindly refer to enclosed EVENT INTRO & PROPOSAL for details). Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure your booth at the IMMI Expo!

Please do not hesitate to contact us for joining / any inquiries

·Mobile / Whatsapp: +86 18723139542

Thanks for your kind attention & we look forward to seeing you around!






一個博覽 · 助你輕鬆計劃移民之路:

1. 免費入場 

2. 超過70場專家講座

3. 160間參展公司

4. 一站式掌握移民、升學、稅務、置業、搬運等詳情













第五届国际移民及置业博览 规模更盛大 埸面更热闹




联络方式:+86-18723139542 微信同号

观众 采购商评价

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  • 展会很好
  • 名气很大
  • 口碑不错
  • 场面火爆
  • 人气不错
  • 参观人多
  • 采购商多
  • 服务周到



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